Israel’s iAngels closes $55m fund anchored by EU

IT’S BEEN A milestone-setting year for startups around the world, and investors are paying attention.

The Israeli venture capital firm iAngels on Tuesday announced that it raised $25 million from the European Investment Fund (EIF), marking the EU-owned fund’s largest investment in Israeli tech to date. The sum makes up close to half of iAngel’s first institutional fund, which closed after raising $55.5 million, bringing up its total assets under management to $300 million.

“We are pleased to be supporting one of the first equity agreements between EIF and Israel, which will contribute to bridging EU-Israel startup and venture capital markets,” says Alain Godard, chief executive of the EIF. The fund’s mission is to support Europe’s small and medium-sized businesses, and give them access to capital. “Through its active role in the European business angel network and the innovation arena, iAngels will be able to create additional ties and synergies between Israeli and European investors, helping businesses to grow and innovate,” adds Godard.

The fund is supported by InnovFin Equity, with the financial backing of the European Union under Horizon 2020 Financial Instruments.


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