Israeli entrepreneurs pay it forward as ‘scale-up nation’ takes shape

A growth mindset and the weight of seasoned serial entrepreneurs who mentor a new generation of founders are driving the tech industry forward, experts say

For Israeli investors and entrepreneurs, a fundamental shift toward a growth mindset, the penchant of seasoned serial entrepreneurs to mentor a new generation of startup founders, and a shared sense of responsibility are the main reasons behind the country’s recent scale-up prowess.

Scalability is the focus amid a rush of capital into Israeli startups and companies, and a critical mass of billion-dollar tech companies, or unicorns, that have flourished in Israel.

“Today, arguably, there’s a surplus in growth capital,” said Alan Feld, Vintage Investment Partners co-founder and managing partner. The Herzliya-based investment firm recently raised $812 million to back startups and investors in Israel, Europe, Canada, and the US.

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