“I love being around people that have these really big dreams.”

Mor Assia, founding partner and co-CEO of iAngels, joins Michael Matias for a talk about entrepreneurship and her experience in 8200 and the Technion

Being around people with really big dreams inspires Mor Assia, founding partner and co-CEO of iAngels. She shares that huge, scary dreams are a crucial element they look for in entrepreneurs. Assia says they like to invest in companies that have the potential to be category leaders and the conviction to make it happen. She explains that the founding of iAngels as a VC firm and investment platform came from a desire to be a bridge between interested investors and the Israeli ecosystem. Through her time in 8200 and the Technion, Assia had a lot of connections to founders she could leverage. She also gained many lessons on her leadership journey through those experiences. In the military, she got to learn from a lot of specialists around her. In her math and computer science program at the Technion, she learned about resilience and pushing through very stressful situations.



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