Digital Assets

An actively managed fund dedicated to Blockchain-based assets, cryptocurrencies, and the companies who support the digital ecosystem.


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The way in which human beings transact and store value is becoming indelibly altered with the rapid and mass proliferation of blockchain technology powering the markets of cryptocurrencies.

As we witness this ineffable change to the financial system and the internet, we welcome a new era and the next technological revolution. Whilst we’ve experienced the World Wide Web being the “internet of information”, we are increasingly moving towards acceptance of the creation of the “internet of value”. Just as the internet challenged previous business models, so too does Blockchain and with it the promise of a fundamental shift in the ways we interact with one another.

Blockchain is the technology that sits at the heart of cryptocurrencies. It’s based on an open, distributed ledger that can record transactions between parties efficiently, verifiably, and immutably. The use of a public ledger, where all participants can access an exact copy of the same transaction records, enables disintermediation and decentralization, architecting a stronger network with each new participant.

We believe that cryptocurrencies represent an entirely new asset class within the alternative investments market, soon becoming a standard in all well-diversified investment portfolios. Due to our high conviction that digital assets will play a fundamental role in the imminent digital economy, we want to offer our investors an opportunity to take part in this new market, through iAngels Digital Assets.
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