From the River to WHAT Sea?

Ella Kenan is the founder of BrightMind and a notable figure in digital marketing and content creation. She has a background in Israeli intelligence and law, which she has leveraged to spearhead public diplomacy efforts for Israel. Particularly since October 7th, Ella has built a significant campaign on social media by crafting the narrative #HamaisIsis and other successful campaigns. Her efforts have been highly impactful, reaching millions in an effort to shift Israel’s public diplomacy strategy from defense to offense. Her efforts have been highly impactful, reaching hundreds of millions in an effort to shift Israel’s public diplomacy strategy from defense to offense. Ella’s work includes producing and disseminating content that counters misinformation, taking down fake news content, and promoting accurate narratives about Israel.

To discuss how content, research, education, and tech amplification can help prevent the distortion of history, Ella joined iAngels Founding Partner Shelly Hod Moyal in a fireside chat on July 31st on Zoom.

Take the opportunity to learn what you can do to help, and watch the recording.

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